Monday, August 21, 2017

I Asked

Before my breakdown I led a dynamic life and the living of it gave me lots to write about. I was a serious walker and my walks were a rich source of inspiration for posts and photography.
Now my life is spectacularly dull. So to add some spice I wrote to Rachel this morning and asked when I might hear about their decision about my script.
Ivan Sayers offered me a Plan B: To “license” him to present my dresses at some of his gigs this upcoming season. He presents fashion shows around town and if I am to be part of this season, I need to tell him so I used his interest in my dresses as an excuse to ask Rachel. She’s had my script since June 19 so I think it’s fair to ask.
It’s going to be so horrid when the weather changes. For the past four months it’s been sunny virtually every day and there’s no change predicted yet. In fact, it is supposed to get hot again. But when the change comes, it is going to be such a sad shock. Today there’s not a spec of wind. The air is still; everything is still.
Heaven! Bliss. The man I absolutely adore and who is tirelessly fascinating is back; Endeavor Morse (and actor Sean Evans). A new season started last night on PBS.

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