Friday was an earnest workday as I cleaned up forest detritus from all the wind we’ve been having lately. I wanted Pinecone Park to look as good as possible for our guests.
I took Sheba walking with my fellow dog walkers in the morning, did the raking all the rest of the morning, and then Steve and I went into Ground Up for lunch. It was much cooler yesterday, so eating in the sunshine at the café was lovely. After lunch, we went to the post office to pick up the first of my new communication devices from CAYA.
Ron came by to walk Sheba at 1:00, and I went back to work schlepping all the detritus piles to my dumping ground on my land behind the back fence. When I finished, mid-afternoon, the place looked pretty good. Then it was time to water the essential gardens before Steve had a nap and I had a spa.
When I went to get dressed, I wanted to wear long pants because of mosquitoes, and so I searched through my slacks for a pair to wear. All I had was my ugly fat pants, so I went to the guest room where I stored my thin clothes from years and years ago, and I was thrilled to find a pair of skinny jeans that fit perfectly. Yay being thin(ish) again. I have lots of old clothes to wear for the coming Winter and forever.
The dinner was a smash hit. All the expressions of thanks sounded particularly sincere. My speech as shite part of the time, and good part of the time. But I was happy at every moment, and proud to be hosting a party that was clearly working as everyone was talking together at once, or in small groups. I was the common thread to everyone. That made me proud as well. Everyone was gone by 10:00.
I'm off to Victoria Sunday morning. No blogging for me until late Monday or Tuesday morning.
Steve in full party mode. |
James made the crackers and the humous. |
Steve (not mine) made this mushroom paté. |
Trevor's pasta salad. |
Robert's appy with blue cheese, caramelised walnut and pear. Yum! |
Robert's shrimp appy. |
Jay (with hat) and François. |
Steve and Dan (Left; a couple) and Trevor. |
Jay is the first friend I made here. I love the guy! |
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