Sunday, August 31, 2014

Saturday: Nice Long Walk to Mark and Shirley's

I walked to the PNE two days ago. This walk is to the PNE and beyond—to Shirley and Mark's for a party. It was a perfect day for it because I hate walking to parties and arriving all sweaty. Today was overcast but optimistic, so the walk was lovely. This time I walked along Pender instead of my usual route. (Click on the photos to enlarge them.)

Labour Day party on Granville. The street is closed for
the weekend.

Gate to Chinatown.


You enter this house on the second level but the house is
situated with the front yard in the back where there is yet
another main entrance. These houses are on a cliff.

More of same. Note: No front yard.

What the hell is this? See below.

This gorgeous weed (?) was growing in a parking lot.


And at Mark and Shirley's there was abundance!

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