Saturday, July 1, 2023

I ❤️ Yard Work!


I awoke to my first day without an obvious job to do. With everything done (except the footpath) I could begin work on the yard and gardens. I loved seeing the Fir cones disappear into large piles to be picked up, carted into the dump zone, and dumped. I raked like mad all morning and did some weed pulling and then Pete and Ali arrived wondering where I was. I was meant to join them for lunch yesterday, and I completely forgot.

I was focused on the dinner I was having with Jay, Eoin and François last night and the lunch date just slipped my mind. They forgave me and confirmed that we will convoy to April Point together in September.

In the afternoon, I continued cleaning up the yard and doing some gardening. It got mighty hot though, so I was taking frequent breaks and even had an afternoon nap. It was nice to have work to do but no pressure to have it done quickly. And when I was done, I took Sheba for her afternoon walk and then I slid into the spa before dressing for dinner with the boys.

Dinner with my three gay friends was wonderful. We are highly compatible and are never at a loss for things to discuss together. I was home by 8:30 and didn’t last long before going to bed.


Saturday began with a dog walk with Stacy and Bryce and their dogs. Sheba and I both loved being out and about so early. (We left here at 8:00.) And then I enjoyed a really lovely Gabriola morning, going to the farmers’ market and then stopping off at the Rollo Centre to take in the Gabriola Quilters show. It was a total treat to be with a gang of elder quilters. They made a big fuss over me because, as was said, they don’t get a lot of men visitors. I bought a table runner for my dining room table that is seldom used. It looks nice to have a handmade quilted runner on display. 

Then I went to work on the yard, but gently. I’ve been raking all the lawns, collecting mounds and mounds of needles, dead grass, cones, twigs and dead leaves. Pinccone Park looks a little sad with all the grass and weeds turning straw yellow. But it looks a lot tidier once I’ve cleaned each area up. And finally, after months of neglect, the courtyard is looking good again. It’s swept and clipped.

Kris invited me for dinner with her, Steve, Bryce, Stacy and 2 neighbours I don’t know, but I declined. I am just too tuckered out to socialize. I felt I needed a night alone after going out Friday night with the boys. I’d had a nice relaxing day and wanted to extend it through the night.

It’s getting mighty hot these days, and no end of the heat is in sight. But at least we had no tornadoes. The videos coming out of Alberta are frightening. Today is predicted to reach 30°, so watering the plants becomes a major concern. Some beds I’ll water twice today.

But Sheba and I will also go on the big community dog walk before getting down to work on the yard and gardens. I’m more than rewarded for my efforts by the pleasure to my eye the yard provides me. Last night, in the cooler temperatures of early evening, I went out to admire the yard and gardens and to have a spa.

Last night, I wrote my letter to Jennifer, my nurse practitioner. As someone who made the bulk of my income from technical writing, I love using all my skills to write letters to her. I present my issues far, far more clearly and concisely that I did as a fluent person. I’m always very pleased with my letters, and I’m proud to present them to her. It was the same with the ophthalmologist who is arranging for my cataract operations.

This one is about my hip. I am seeing her about how much I use Ibuprofen, and related questions about pain management. And whether she thinks it’s neurological or arthritic, based on what I have written.

Pete and Ali gave me a tour of their garden. Their yard is a tribute to thoughtful care and delightful variation, but what thrilled me the most were the swallows nesting in a bird box above their fence. I have 2 bird boxes coming from Amazon.

There’ll be no April Point for me. I must cancel my booking because the dates I reserved are the two nights before the Monologue Festival in Victoria. I can’t do it all.

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