Friday, June 16, 2017

Cautious Optimism Returns

I’ve done two edits! I feel much better about it, in big part thanks to Colin’s insights. But it was my idea to cut Royce, beef up Hamish’s role and add two female characters (done by one actor). Plus, now there’s a song in it near the end. I’m particularly happy about that. And the ending flows, doesn’t feel forced and Charlotte has grown. The absence of the protagonist’s advancement was Colin’s single biggest concern.
I’m proud of it again — really proud of it, and cautiously optimistic again. To celebrate my progress, I had a big ol’ donut.
Rachel, the dramaturge, wrote a very kind and reassuring note yesterday: “I encourage you to send a note with it that explains what you're happy with and what you're still wrestling with. No play in draft form, before rehearsals, can really be finished; they're all works in progress.” More compassionate words could not have been sent. Her words make me feel I am in good and understanding hands.
Now I start all over again, but not until tomorrow. I’ll go through it again on Sunday, too. I do not find it hard at all; in fact I love it. It’s exactly like reading. I want to get back with my characters and interact with them. This is nothing like technical writing.
Then Monday morning, first thing, it goes in.
I’ve had no news from Ravenna today. As I write this, Bruce is either in his bed still in the Hospidale Santa Croce or he is in transit, on his way home to a bed in the hospital across the street from me and tomorrow I will finally see him.

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