Saturday, October 30, 2021

To Victoria

Yesterday was not a day of rest. I walked twice, baked and decorated a cake, removed the biggest of the windfall in the yard, did a lot of laundry and went into the village to get gas for my trip and another expensive bag of dog food. But I finished at 4:30 and crashed onto the couch in the warm glow of the fire.

I’ve a ferry to catch this morning and then a long drive to Victoria, but it’ll all be done in glorious sunshine. I love driving in good weather and, by leaving early, I miss a lot of the traffic that can clog the Malahat part of the highway. I’m looking forward to being with Chris and Frani, Todd and Jessica, and Sahara and her cousins.

It’s going to be a challenge, but I’m committed. I am in some kind of slump, vis-à-vis my speech. I could barely speak with my fellow dog walkers yesterday morning, and I’ve always been fluent with them. I’ve been unable to speak to any clerks in the village either, and I can usually do well with them. I’m worried about Victoria, but I can always speak in my Australian accent if all else fails.

 Back on Monday. 

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