Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Cataract Surgery Day

Monday morning was spent on the TTY service. I got my surgical time (9:30 this morning) and I got in touch with Bert at Sunray Heating about fixing the glass door on my fireplace insert. Progress. He said he would email me, but no email from him arrived yesterday, so I got busy making a template of the glass (as best I could). I’ve decided to do the replacement myself.

I hate this kind of challenge. If my template is wrong, I’ll be wasting a lot of money. I did my very best at making it; I’m taking it in to Budget Glass today with Kris to speak for me. Hopefully, I can pick up the glass tomorrow when I go back to Nanaimo to have my eye patch removed. Thanks to WD40, I got all the screws loose that hold the glass into the door frame. Again, I’m amazed by what I can do when forced to by circumstance. This, like building the firebox platform and assembling the splitter, is way, way outside my comfort zone.

I’m off to the ferry at 7:30 with my fingers crossed for good outcomes at the hospital and at Budget Glass. At least I’ll have Kris with me. Everything is easier when I have company.

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