Friday, November 14, 2014

Thursday Walk

The seawall is still closed so my walks of late involve taking the bus out to UBC and then walking home along the endless beach. And I wore my arctic jacket to be warm. Granted it was a bit too warm, but still, I was comfortable in it and whilst walking, I could not help but think that three days before I was walking in a t-shirt because it was so warm. 

But cold, with the right clothes, is no problem. The serious problem of winter, for someone who wakes up at 3:00 t- 4:00 in the morning, is the incredibly amount of darkness I witness every day. Soon, though, the days start getting longer. Exactly five weeks today, is the winter solstice.

So now it is 4:55 am and in a few hours, Kourosh is due with my new desk, office wall and office window frames. Soon, my house will be completely and utterly finished … well except for some lighting adjustments I want to make. But for the first time in my entire life, I will be living in a place that  is exactly as I want it and finished in every detail. Hooray.

The frost looks like snow.

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