Saturday, May 2, 2020


Saturday again. My God, the weeks fly by! And it’s raining; it’ll be a day indoors.
Her Highness and I walked a new trail yesterday morning. It was nice for me to see new scenery, but my head was down the entire time because I was looking for Morels. But no luck. I think I have to get off the main trails to find some.
I went back to the nursery for more plants yesterday and this morning. We’re in for a week of weather that’ll likely be like today, so it’s a good time to get things in the ground. 

Yesterday I started pulling the easy weeds from between the paving stones of the courtyard. I’ve a lot more to do! I pull the weeds, but I never remove the Daises. Slowly, the Daises will provide a flat green border between all the stones. I’m also planting some Creeping Thyme.
When I leave the house, I go out my back door. I cross the deck, step off it and then I turn right and double back along my driveway to the car, for a walk or to work in the front yard. To exit my backyard, I have to open a gate. It has a sliding wooden handle; it’s primitive, simple and I love it.
Sliding the handle allows the two wooden gates to swing open. I love having to use a wide wooden gate that looks like something you might see on a farm or ranch, to come and go. It’s such an iconic rural item and it reminds me of how fortunate I am to live here.
A smart entrepreneur would open a pop-up drive-in movie in a large empty space. Going to the drive-in was a blast when I was young. One could provide the sound with Wifi. And instead of the central snack bar, you could call orders in on your cell phone and goods could be delivered to your car. 
I recently wrote here about being the only one, of five, people in Rollo park who did not think Covid-19, the JFK assassination, 9/11 and the moon landing are part of a conspiracy. Well, just to put things in balance, yesterday I went to the park alone—Gunther and Anna came later—and Annette and Dianna were there.
Annette asked me what I’d been up to and so I told her about watch Akhnaten. She knew who he was, what he was famous for, who Phillip Glass was, what a counter tenor was and about the program, Great Performances. So, you see: There are others like me here.
I ordered sheet agricultural plastic. I’m going to build a greenhouse for the couple of Marijuana plants I am germinating. The plastic home will prevent them from getting mold if the wind doesn’t destroy it. I’m not much of a carpenter.

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