Sunday, January 17, 2021


Saturday began with me feeling emotionally flat because the dark clouds of Winter were back and everything was wet from droplets of mist that gently floated down onto every surface making everything damp, and because I was in the emotional penumbra of The Nightingale. But things got better.

Friends in England got vaccinated and that made my immunity feel closer, and Sheba and I enjoyed our walks because the mist never became rain. Also, I weighed myself for the first time in weeks and I’ve not gained any weight even though I’ve a box of Daniel’s chocolates slowly disappearing, and my carbohydrate intake is very deliciously much larger than when I was dieting.

I made an enormous vat of Mulligatawny soup this morning, chopped wood and did a load of laundry before heading out for a walk with Her Highness who didn’t hesitate to make her impatience known as I attended to my chores. But the delay super satisfied me, for when we arrived at the trailhead, the sky had cleared. I left my coat in the car and we had a wonderful walk together.

Now that I’m back, I’ll settle into reading my friend, Beth’s memoire, and I look forward to more walks today and to All Creatures Great and Small tonight on PBS.

I had lots of soup, ordered a hundred dollars-worth of chocolate and watched several videos on YouTube about GEDmatch, a website to which I’ll upload my DNA analysis results when I get them. Registering there will maximize the possibility of finding relatives and information about my father.

Dwight FaceTimed me yesterday and I couldn’t speak with him. I had to use my silly fake Australian accent. My speech is currently worse than it’s ever been—that may be good news to some. For the first time since becoming disfluent, I can’t even speak to my pets. It’s terribly frustrating and so I slip into my Rand voice. I can hardly wait, therefore, to Zoom with Dr. Shoja on Tuesday. I’m ready to try drugs again—at least through Winters. 

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