Sunday, December 19, 2021

White Christmas? Maybe!

Saturday was a horrid day; it was dark and very wet. Our morning sojourn was more a wade than a walk. I, of course, settled in to read by a blazing fire. Not even Sheba wanted anything to do with the outdoors.

But then, a miracle: The sky cleared completely, and the afternoon was bright and sunny but cold. A revised weather forecast suggests that we’re in for a white Christmas. Wednesday to Sunday, it’s supposed to snow. Shizah!

In the afternoon, I did a simple sketch that I plan on filling out with coloured pencils over the next few days. It’s okay, my sketch. I haven’t lost my drawing skills, and I’m rather delighted because last night I could find nothing I wanted to watch on television. I seem to have hit my saturation point when it comes to viewing movies, so I got into my nice warm bed with Sheba curled up beside me and read. Reading and drawing may be my way through Winter. I’m just sick of television and movies.

It was almost six years ago that I crashed. At first, I had no diagnosis, then I was told I had PTSD, but three years ago Dr. Shoja changed my diagnosis to FND.

I’d never heard of FND, and Google searched provided scant resources. Well, that has sure changed. Last night, I Googled and searched FND on YouTube and was amazed by the enormous amount of material—including lots on FND and speech disorders and parallels with Parkinson’s.

I’m going walking this morning with Di and Donna and our dogs. We don’t usually walk together on Sunday, but we decided to do so because the big community Sunday dog walks are cancelled until the new year. Then, I’ll come home to read and do some drawing. 

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