Friday, November 18, 2022

Shot Twice!

Thursday was an ideal day. I did clinic work in the morning, walked Her Highness, and then went to get my flu and Covid shots at the Community Hall. Then, once I’d had lunch, I spent much of the afternoon outside in balmy 10° temperatures and bright, glorious, invigorating sunshine. I. tidied up the courtyard, the back deck and the car. Pinecone Park looks a lot nicer now for Paula’s visit and the car is far more welcoming. It had become mighty messy—especially the passenger side where Her Highness tracks in dirt.

Today’s supposed to be sunny but fog is holding our nice day for ransom. But I’ll hope for sunshine this afternoon so walking with Paula is as beautiful as it was yesterday. When I drove to the Community Hall for my shot, I was feeling spectacular due to the beauty of the day. There’s a unique beauty to a sunshiny Winter day. I passed several really beautiful agricultural buildings on my way to the Hall. They make me feel serene. I love farm architecture.

Paula arrives at 10:00 this morning. She wants to go for long walks which suits Her Highness and I just fine. I reckon I’ll take her for lunch in the Village; we have to go shopping for dinner supplies, so a served lunch sounds really good to me.

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