Monday, December 11, 2023

David Arrives in a Week

Trump disgusts be because he is stupid. Biden disappoints me because he does not, in any way, instill confidence in me. He is old and doddery. Consider this: Here are the ages of some of the ‘founders’ of the American republic as of July 4, 1776:

Marquis de Lafayette, 18

James Monroe, 18

Gilbert Stuart, 20

Aaron Burr, 20

Alexander Hamilton, 21

Betsy Ross, 24

James Madison, 25

Thomas Jefferson, 33

John Adams, 40

Paul Revere, 41

George Washington, 44

Samuel Adams, 53

Benjamin Frankllin, 70


Our Sunday morning walk was lovely because it wasn’t raining. Everything was soaking wet from all the rain and snow of Saturday, but Her Highness enjoyed being back outdoors after being indoors most of Saturday. I resolved to get three walks in with her if the rain held off.

I was surprised to find I couldn’t say anything to her. I found myself blocked. I could feel something inside me that I always feel when speech is impossible. It’s like there’s a big something in my body that blocks my breath and throat, preventing me from speaking. But I just don’t care anymore. I have the TTY phoning service, my devices and email communication with essential services. I am set no matter what happens.

My Zoom session with my fellow BC stutterers was postponed until next Sunday. I was disappointed, so I went into the village for some new slippers. I’ve decided no outdoor footwear is coming into my house, so now I have easy slip-on slippers for going outdoors to fetch wood, and indoor slippers to change into so fewer fucking Fir needles make it onto my living room rug.

Once back from the village, I settled myself onto the chaise. It was Sunday—my day—the day I’m allowed to do whatever I want, and not do anything I don’t want to do. There are no ‘shoulds’ or ‘musts’ on Sunday. However, after only a few minutes on the chaise, I felt compelled to clean the fridge. And I must say: I did a great job. I did an especially great job on the freezer. I threw a lot of stuff into the compost. Now, I’m thrilled to have so clean a fridge for Paula’s and David’s visit. 

In the fog and the dense humidity, I took Her Highness to the park to play fetch; once I was done, I came home to relax in the spa. Oh, that felt good. Molecules of water gently fell on my skin, and it felt like I was in an expensive spa. But when I opened my eyes, I saw the forest, dark and fading into blue fog. 

This has been a wonderful Fall. I hope Winter passes as comfortably. I have an empty calendar until David and Paula arrive on the 18th. I’ll enjoy relaxing and towards the end of the week, I’ll enjoy preparing a Welcome to Pinecone Park dinner for them.

I had a rough day yesterday. I could barely speak to my pets, and that’s never a good sign. I had a long seizure, and then a lot of jerking afterwards. It’s no wonder to me why I stay home most all the time. I can’t imagine living all day, every day, in the condo I had. I’m blessed to be here in Pinecone Park. 

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