Monday, March 25, 2024

Memory Games

Sunday, or as it’s known at Pinecone Park, my day, began not as the sunny warm day that was predicted. It was foggy and there was light cloud until 1:00 pm, then it was glorious. I was disappointed that our morning walk was not in sunshine, but there was some reason for joy. All my Virginia Creeper plants survived the short but deep freeze of this past Winter. That really made me happy because this year, my west wall will begin to host the vines whose leaves become so incredibly beautiful in the Fall.

We went on the big community dog walk. It was nice to see my friends, but it’s become a challenge for me because of the roughhousing of some of the dogs. I get quite nervous in reaction to their horseplay, and I’m on a course to avoid anything that I know can cause a seizure because seizures are almost a thing of my past.

When we got home, it was time for lunch for everyone, and then I did the first reading that I’ve done for a very long time. It was an ideal day to get comfy and warm on the chaise with my book. On My Day, it’s important to be comfortable and at peace. But when the sun came out, I was out the door and busy in the yard and gardens,

The evening was truly lovely. Sheba chose to spend the late light hours chillin’ on the deck. I’m watching The Tourist, mainly because my eyes delight in the vision of Jamie Dornan. 

Whenever I hear music that involves a lot of repetition, I want to remember Phillip Glass’s name, but I can’t. This past week, I was listening to the CBC, and I found myself drawn to the music they were playing, and it was …. I couldn’t remember. I have never had trouble remembering Steve Reich’s name, but I’ve never been able to remember Mr. Glass’ name.

I find that if I focus and keep trying—and I am diligent because I’m obsessive—eventually I will remember. And last Thursday, as I sat down to do a search of contemporary American composers, it came instantly to mind. On Friday, I tried to remember his name and it was gone again. More focus and effort, and out of nowhere it came to me while I was making dinner.

Saturday, gone again, but hours later when I found it, I decided to make an effort to get his name solidly into memory. I had a lovely acquaintance with a theatre designer named Phillip Clarkson that lasted decades, until his death. He was a local genius; Phillip Glass is an internationally recognized musical genius. That is how I will remember, I decided. This morning, when I woke up, I could recall his name. I’ve got it. One way to deal with an unstable memory, is to fight back and re-learn.

It's dawned clear and it isn’t cold enough to light a fire this morning. I got immediately to furious cleaning once all the pets were fed, because Dianne arrives late this afternoon. We met in college. I was producing a show I’d conceived, little knowing I’d be producing for most of the rest of my life, and it was through some connection with that show that we met. We became close friends, and we still are. We met in 1970, and we get on. She’s staying for 3 nights. Fun is on the horizon.

But first fitness. I’ve loaded up on Ibuprofen and I can hardly wait until the class is over. I’ll have a lovely spa when I get home and then I’ll spend the day doing errands. I’m going to clean the spa and lower the water level before Di arrives, and I’m going to fertilize the Virginia Creeper and my veggies. 

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