Sunday, August 25, 2024


Because I was feeling ‘better,’ and because I was increasingly convinced that the problem is not my heart, I decided as the skies cleared and it became gloriously warm and sunny yesterday afternoon, to walk Her Highness at Rikki Ave. It was a mistake. I could not make it far because the trail is an uphill one for the first ½ kilometer. It’s the trail we use all Winter because it is always dry, but that trail is no longer in my repertoire.

Although I am waiting for 2 more tests for Dr. Chen, I wrote to the Asthma Clinic where I am an outpatient to ask for advice and help. I’ll wait to see what comes of that, but if it’s my lungs, I doubt that there is anything that can be done other than increasing the number of times I use my puffers every day.

Today has dawned bright and sunny, and the ground is saturated with water. So, I have an entire beautiful day to do as I please as it is My Day (Sunday). Tomorrow, we may have rain again, but from then on we get back to eternal sunshine and quite warm temperatures (28°).

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