Saturday, December 31, 2016

Sad Endings

It’s dark, cold and snowing a blizzard. But starting tomorrow it is supposed to be sunny for several days in a row and that is a delightful way to begin a new year.
I went to a small dinner party last night with people whom I have known a long time. I had an exchange with one of them, whom I like a lot, that made me uncomfortable. No one did anything wrong. However: He debates with emotion in his voice and I don't care for that; I prefer debates—and I love formal debating—to be properly neutral. I keep having experiences that make me want to only socialize with long-time proven friends.
I’ve sourced some stuff for the apron and I’m starting to feel some enthusiasm for it. I’ve been having trouble with this one because I felt compelled to do the text on fabric—I like the look I got but fabric and paper don’t mix. Not in my world. So the rest of the costume cannot be paper. Thankfully I’m okay with ribbon and trimming materials like laces for my project and that is what I found today—ones that please me.
The apron isn’t an “oh look at that” piece. Its power is in the text that is magnified by the context of the show.
So far today, the last day of the year, I have had two phone calls. One was from Bruce who wanted to tell me that our mutual friend Alex had passed away in Puerto Vallarta where he loved to spend every winter. Alex Bruce and Michael, three single gay friends, have lived in separate apartments in the same building for decades. I’m very sad for the two who are left.
The second call was from Bev. We go way back—to high school in fact. And in college we were a car pool with two other friends, Corinne and Donna. Donna, Bev and I were soul mates, so Bev called today to tell me that Donna, too, had passed away. And not only that, she was killed by her husband who had a psychotic episode and then attempted suicide.
The world is too much with me today. I am ready for the new year.

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