Saturday, October 6, 2018

Open Studio Weekend

Friday began with a community dog walk. I go on one every morning except Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and yesterday there was talk of organizing walks for Tuesday and Thursday mornings. 
After the walk, I left Sheba at home and went into the village to join the library. I had no idea how to look up books but the librarians are wonderful and welcoming and they showed me how. I came home and went online and reserved a book!
Ranza is the librarian who helped me. She and our mutual friend Connie are going to come to my place for champagne after they take in some of the open studios; this weekend is Gabriola’s annual “Studio Tour” organized by the Arts Council.
I went to the Arts Council gallery yesterday, too, because every artist with a studio open this weekend has an item in the gallery. But not a single piece on display interested me—yet I love hand-made things. However, from information in the brochure, I’ve chosen some studios to visit.
I’ve been locked out of my Vancity bank account since Wednesday. My card works at cash machines but I can’t pay bills, see my balance or transfer money. Vancity is in software Hell right now.
The stars are stunning this morning. It’s going to be a gorgeous day and I have lots to do. I have guests coming to visit on Tuesday for whom I have to have lunch ready. So I’m going to prepare some dishes and bake something. Yes! 
I’ve not missed the sweets to which I was addicted since I stopped eating them, but I’m looking forward to having some with my guests. (When I decided to clean up my act, I did so knowing I’d allow myself indulgences when guests visit.)
I also want to do some yard work today—clean out some of the detritus left from dying annuals and empty the fountain of water for the winter so water doesn’t freeze in it.
I’ve found a purpose for my ladies.
The Arts Council had a plan to stage a chocolate event to raise some cash. When the E.D. told me, I was immediately resistant. It’s a lot of work to organize and stage an event, and the net gain is often disappointing. I see far, far greater benefit by producing a series instead of a single event—it takes only slightly more effort to sell a series. So I’ve proposed a “Ladies’ Night” series: Four evenings of entertainment that I plan to market to women (and the men who love them).
I’ve given them five suggestions for events to consider. One of them involves using my ladies as part of a dinner event. I’ve done two series as fundraisers in the past and they’ve both done well. I love producing, particularly when I’m not alone and under a non-profit umbrella.
I’m not going to convince the Arts Council to do this. I am just developing the idea and flushing out details for them to consider. There’s no “go ahead” yet.
Tomorrow is my first anniversary so I’m having a party. Not! Fred, Ethel, Sheba and I will pass a normal day with a warm fire and then I’ll bliss out watching The Durrells on Corfu.
I’m celebrating by being “on top” of everything here; there’s nothing needing doing. I’m wasting not a molecule of energy on procrastination—except for some sewing I have to do. But I ordered a whack of spools of thread and pre-loaded bobbins from Amazon this morning so that I can get even that done.
And here are some photos from our walk this morning.
The most wonderful dog in the world (and her partner)
love the meadows along the trail.
The 707 Park is land donated to the people of the island
after it was logged so it is mostly Deciduous trees.

This is a large meadow we pass that is covered is grass
that grows very tall and is really strong and dense.
Whenever her partner stops to take a photo, the most
wonderful dog in the world stops and waits.
Another meadow 
There are signs and all the trails are named in the 707
Park so you don't get lost.
All over the island, the homes with open studios this
weekend have large white flags out front.

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