Saturday, September 30, 2017

Dwight and Roy

Roy and Dwight.
Saturday morning was super special. Dwight brought me my new dining room table and then we went for breakfast. Beside us sat the cutest 16-month old imaginable — all personality. I melted. His name is Henry.
Dwight and I fell into comfortable conversation with Henry’s guardians, a stunningly beautiful woman, her husband and the mother’s mother who was with them to nanny during their visit to Vancouver. The couple lives in New York; Mom lives in San Francisco.
Not long into our conversation, Dwight realized that Henry’s father was a regular on Trevor Noah’s TV show that used to be John Stewart’s show and I cannot remember the name. The Today Show? Henry's Daddy is Roy Wood Jr. and he's the nicest man to spend time with. We all had so much fun together.

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