Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Endless Weeding

The photograph above is of a little grove of Coralroot Orchids (Corallorhiza Mertensiana) in full bloom. Aren’t they unusual and gorgeous?! I’m stunned by the many forms of beauty in our forest. The scents and sights are incredible, and very soon the Ocean Spray will bloom, and the forest will smell like Jasmine.
Monday was beautiful! And so is my vegetable garden now that all the weeds are mowed or pulled. Everything in it is looking spectacular except for the poor Wisteria that is barely alive and all my Sweet Peas that are not doing well at all.
Once finished with the veggie garden, I moved onto the deforestation of the driveway—that’s to say, I pulled or killed weeds growing up through the gravel. It’s tedious, satisfying work. I do abut an hour of earnest toil, and then I come in for a brief break—largely for back relief. 
It’s work that no one will notice. No one will say: “Oh my! Not a weed in your driveway—not even at the edges where it probably grows thick and deep!” No. No one will notice. But I do. And a realtor will one day.
I’s been putting off weeding the driveway forever. But once I started, it was motivated to keep going by the edges and straight lines of order. I felt mighty fulfilled by the aesthetic results of my work. I kept going through the afternoon until it was time for a trip to the park with Her Highness and then a spa.
Today’s giving me a feeling that we’ll have rain later. I hope we do, but I’m going on a dog walk with Eoin this morning before it starts. Then I’m coming home to water the garden under the trees; it needs lots of water and the light rain we get is not often enough.
The rest of my day will be spent doing some baking and finishing Less, the2018 Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction. Who knows why! I thought it was a very plebeian novel. I cannot fathom why it won the award.

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