Friday, August 27, 2021

To Nanaimo

Yesterday the sun came up, just like it always does, and then it went down again at night; it was just another day in paradise, but it was indoors with a book. And this morning, I’m busy doing all I have to do before I catch the ferry to Nanaimo to go to an appointment with the pacemaker clinic at Nanaimo General Hospital. Sheba and I will have a long day together in the car.

I’m also going to do some shopping at the nursery and the pet store and, of course, I’m taking advantage of being in the big smoke to get a White Spot hamburger. I love their burgers!

I can hardly wait to get back to the wasteland tomorrow. I reckon I can finish the tilling tomorrow and lay the new soil next week. Today's begun cloudy but I see lots of blue sky so my plans for tomorrow  are set; working in the yard is much more fun on sunny days.

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