Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Wasteland Baby

I cancelled my subscription to the Vancouver Sun and now my subscription to the New Yorker is expired. I am done with the news thank you!

I worked on the wasteland yesterday. Tilling is demanding work. The weeds and natural plants have long roots that require hard pulling. I’m constantly bending and pulling; it’s slow, slow work, but I am obviously making progress. I thought I’d be ordering the soil imminently, but no. It will be a couple more weeks of yanking and tilling before I am ready for the soil and seeding.

I also wasted hours yesterday trying to hook up the TV in my bedroom to my video player, but I failed. I hate having to do anything technical. I frustrate myself trying. I called Shaw and still, even with their help, I could not get things working.

I’ve been busy, busy, busy of late and it proves the efficacy of my pacemaker. All this summer I was reading up until my heart attack, preferring not to do any physical labour. But now …. Whoa! I’m going on-stop every day.

Today started with a dog walk with my friends and now my only plan for the day is working on the wasteland and watering the gardens. The forecast is for rain tomorrow. I have my doubts, as always, but I really hope it does. We’ve had only two rain showers since the end of May!

Yesterday, at the market, a car was parked outside Nesters with four Canadian flags on it and signs on it against masks and vaccines. “United in non-compliance” was painted on its back window. I wanted to pour black paint all over it or let the air out of its tires. Regina knows who the fellow is and says he’s a raving lunatic that no one likes.

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