Saturday, September 18, 2021

Steve Departs

Thursday, like every day this week, was driven my Steve. I was exhausted from all the recent visitors, the big dinner I made on Tuesday and Wednesday in Nanaimo, but we managed to get to Malaspina Gallery (the coastal rock formations here, shown above) and to Ravenskill Orchard where Steve got some cider.

In the evening, we watched movies and ate pizza that we got from Woodfire to eat here at home. The evening was full of drama because Guld Island Seaplanes called last night to warn us that an incoming storm threatened their service today. Thankfully, they called early this morning to say that the 9:30 am flight was going ahead, so at 8:50 I headed to Silva Bay with him.

I came home to spend a quiet day alone at home. It was a day of rest for me until the power went out and I had to get the generator going and set up all the extension cords to keep my fridge and some lights on. It was quite the storm yesterday.

Now it’s back to normal for a couple of weeks until Beth arrives in early October; she’s the last of the surge in visitors to Pinecone Park. It feels kind of lonely after Steve’s visit. It was wonderful to have him here and to be together again as we once were, having lovely little adventures together.

There’s blue sky today. I’ll be able to be outside. Hooray.

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