Monday, November 8, 2021

Cousin Ann

I used to hate Sundays. I hated the church bells from St. Christopher’s church that was just across the street from my childhood home, and I really hated going to church with my mother to high mass—an hour and a half of Latin gobblygook. I just loathed Sundays then. And how ironic is it that my mother, who often got my father to beat me, insisted that I attend church and catechism classes.

Now I love Sundays. I love being alone at home with my beloveds and having a fire. I love reading and lazing away the day very, very much. I adhere to the concept of a day of rest. And this past Sunday had some surprises: The sun came out in the afternoon and so the trails were full of dogs and their owners, and scientists are studying the funnel cloud of Saturday to determine if it was a tornado. Today and tomorrow hold the threat of another. We’re expecting dangerous winds and I’m expecting, therefore, a power failure.

A great love of my life was a cousin, Ann. I adored her. It was she to whom I fled when I quit school and my family in grade twelve to escape our home. She lived in Trinidad at the time, so running to her was a fabulous experience. I was so, so screwed up at the time. Living in tropical paradise was wonderfully healing. (My father had made me work all Summer in a logging camp; hence, my ability to buy the airline ticket.)

But two decades ago, she ended communication between us, and ever since I’ve been pining for her. Reconciliation with her is my greatest hope. Yesterday, I found the email address of her eldest son, whom she has also shunned, and wrote to him. He replied right away with sad news. Ann has dementia.

She left her husband and was found by her daughter in dire straits, unconscious on the floor of her home. She’s now in an assisted living home in West Vancouver. Her son gave me all her contact information, so I’ve decided to write to her, hoping she’ll agree to talk on the phone.

I’m chuffed: In the past six weeks I’ve lost fourteen pounds! I’m not dieting. I have made a permanent change in my eating habits and it’s really paying off. I will have no problem sticking to this pattern for the long term. I eat plenty and I love what I eat, but sugar is gone from my diet (except for special occasions).

It’s bright and there’ve been lots of sunny breaks this morning. So far, no signs of a major windstorm. I’m walking with Regina this morning and then coming home to read. It’s going to be a great day. 

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