Tuesday, January 29, 2019


It seems like my February appointment with Dr. Shoja will not happen. She moved it and then, yesterday, she told me she had to move it again and I can’t accommodate this second change. But I’m not in a hurry to see her; I can wait. 
Today has bus, just like the past two days. I did editing—and its significant given the authors are not writers—from four am until ten this morning, then I went in to shop for tonight’s dinner with David. After that, the water I purchased arrived and I had to get busy cleaning the spa cover.
But I’m very excited about news from Scott, the arborist, and Darrel, my incredible handyman. Scott is coming next Thursday to fell four trees on my property as a beginning to opening up my yard to light. Then he’s going to negotiate the trimming of the Crown Land trees with the provincial arborist.
And Darrell is coming this Thursday with the first of my planters. He’ll be installing four more over the ensuing week and then I’ll be filling them with soil and preparing the beds for planting in April.
My body is aching from all the physical labour I’ve been doing. But as I move around my beloved isle I see plenty of other old bodies lugging wood and working hard on the land. I’m in good company here.
Now, I’m off to Drumbeg with Her Highness and then I’ll go into town for pizza to serve David for dinner. It’s a stunning night. It’s been sunny today and we’re having champagne before we eat. Yay! And tomorrow, I can spa again.

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