Saturday, May 11, 2019

Today I Rest

I stacked the last of the wood from cords #3 and #4 yesterday. It was not quite as joyous an experience as the day before. I didn’t get started until 10:30 after the community dog walk, and that had me working through the hottest part of a very hot day. 
I finished just before 2:00. I did these two cords in just a day-and-a-half (it took me two-and-a-half days to do the first two). Afterwards, I tidied up the yard and watered several of the gardens before a nice soak in my spa—that’s now a warm tub and no longer a hot tub. It’s too hot for hot water.
Last night was really lovely. It was cool in my house, but really lovely and warm outside so I spent all evening outdoors. There were no bugs. Then we all went to bed early.
I actually have radishes large enough to eat already. And all my peas are coming up, but not a single bean is visible yet. I assume they take longer to gestate.
It’s supposed to start raining on Tuesday and rain for a few days! I’m relieved; we need it. We haven’t had any rain for over three weeks.
Ethel got out this morning. Thankfully, I stayed calm and kept my in a gentle caring tone as I stalked her. She got behind a planter and in perfect teamwork, Sheba went around one side and I was at the other to fetch her when she emerged. Now she’s angry she’s just an indoor cat; she’s been howling all morning.
My second order of screen arrived yesterday so today I’ll be weaving more fabric into the fence of the vegetable garden to keep Deer away from my plants. I’m running it along the top, now, to prevent them from eating my beautiful emerging Grape leaves. I love doing the work in the sunshine. 
I’ll just putter away the rest of the day, taking pleasure from my garden and doing some weeding. (Weeding is going to become my default mode.) Tonight I’ve to soak my critical gardens because tomorrow I’m in Vancouver and I’m there overnight, returning early Monday morning.

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