Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Highs and Lows

Yesterday’s high was discovering the berries growing abundantly in my garden. It seems like I just planted them a few days ago. I didn’t even see any blossoms.  
Yesterday’s low was the enormity of the task I face in trying to bring order to the raw east side of my backyard with no budget. It was cleared when this house was built and then left to the weeds. It’s also the part of the yard that Sheba uses to poop and it has to continue to serve that purpose.
Rather than get started yesterday, I weeded the cracks between the paving stones in the courtyard and collected all Sheba’s souvenirs. Call the chiropractor! Then I mowed the lawns and trimmed edges that looked dreadful and my yard is looking as good as this single senior can keep it.

Above is a photo of the area outside my house where I want to make a Fern garden. You can see the few large Ferns that are already there. The second photo with the arrows shows you how many tiny Ferns there are in the jungle of weeds where I want to make the garden.  
I won’t be doing any gardening this morning, though. I go back to Dr. Yearsley in Nanaimo to have my eye checked. I’m certain he’ll be as thrilled as I am with the outcome. I’ve been diligent with the application of my medications and wearing my patch at night. My information sheet says this will be my penultimate appointment. In seven more weeks, my vision will be assessed. The only problem now, is my “old” eye.
But come the afternoon, I’ll likely get onto yard work. 
My Beans (R) and Peas (L) with berries at the ends
Pine Berries (L) and Garlic (R).
Spinach. (I'm learning.)

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