Sunday, March 28, 2021

Dull Weather, Dull Me

I'm getting regular visits from lots of Varied Thrushes and Flickers visiting my feeders, and I find the Flickers absolutely glorious. The feathers under their wings are almost orange!

It’s dull (with some sunny periods already) but warm. I’m hoping for some rain because we need it. The gardens need water; I’ve had to do some watering already, and it’s mighty early in the year for watering.

I watched Toast last night (on Prime) and quite enjoyed seeing the screen version of the book I enjoyed reading very much. 

I’m about to go on a walk about with Her Highness. Walking her is my favourite thing to do of late. Nothing else happens really, I turn another page, I put another log on the fire, I try to speak, I chase birds off my newly-seeded lawn and I wait for evening when I can be a slob on the couch.

Tonight: The Great Canadian Baking Show and The Seaside Hotel (that I tape because it comes on too late).

I met a lovely woman who’s a neighbour yesterday. Our conversation got started over her spiffy new red electric bicycle, and as we talked she revealed that she, too, was a writer (journalism) and suffered a breakdown. “Me too,” I said twice, so she invited me to get together. I’m going to take her up on her offer once I get my shot.

I hate having pain. The pain in my foot is nasty and recurring but I cope. My new problem, back pain, is my biggest problem because when I get a spasm, I have a seizure. I feel angry, useless and defeated, so all I want to do is sleep. Me, who lived for decades on four hours of sleep each night, slept for twelve hours last night, and a million things that need doing around here go undone. I’m hoping that my energy and ambition returns with the warm and sunny weather.

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