Monday, March 8, 2021

Finding my Half-Brother!!!!

Well … where to start? Oh, I know: I have a living half-Brother (Paul) and half-sister (Sue). I found out thanks to one Tara Skewes. Tara’s ex-husband is Lee Gordon. His father is Paul, a half-brother born to my father’s second marriage. Tara gave me Lee’s address and I have written asking permission and for assistance to communicate with his father and aunt. I’m so powerfully overwhelmed by this revelation that I tremble every time I write about it.

And there’s more to come. I await Lee’s response.

Also, yesterday was my first day on my new HIV medication that may reduce my seizures and will likely lesson the frequency and intensity of my nightmare’s as the new drug is not psychotropic. What a day was yesterday!

I also had two Zoom sessions yesterday: One was two hours long with my stuttering support group, all of whom I am coming to almost love. After several sessions now, I’m becoming very attached and I think we all are. So, two new families!

And I Zoomed with another batch of beloved friends—my friends from my theatre days who are also like family to me. This orphan is rocking life now!

I was trashed by the end of the day yesterday. The two-hours with my fellow stutterers wore me out as talking is so demanding. And the emotional exhaustion I felt upon learning I have a brother and sister had me flat on my back on my sofa. 

I did no wood toting and stacking yesterday. I was too busy. I will do some today as the day has dawned bright and sunny. But I did get some tidying done in the backyard that is now looking rather wonderful. I’m getting more Primulas today to bring more Spring colour to a yard that is looking rather magnificent to my eyes I have to say.  I’m seriously looking forward to socializing with neighbours on my deck as soon as the weather warms a little more. Come Sunday, Daylight Savings starts, one of my favourite days of the year, and a week after that: Spring!

NEWS FLASH: I’ve just heard from Lee, who addresses me, as does Paul Robertson, another nephew, as Uncle Chris. I am weeping. Lee has been as welcoming and warm as Tara (his ex) and cousin Paul. He has given me contact information to my half-brother, another Paul—Paul Gordon. I’m in! I will be soon in touch with a brother.

Of course, I had a mild seizure when I read Lee’s email, and many tears. God is my guardian angel.

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