Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Doing Nada

Yesterday was all about fatigue. I could barely function all day. All I did was take naps, eat and read, and I went to bed at 8:00. I did manage to get my appointment for my second vaccine later this month and my walks with Her Highness were wonderful on such a lovely sunny but mild day.

Today I feel back to normal, so I’ve already cleaned and tidied the house and done a large load of laundry. And I’ve no need for watering, so 

With the recent rain, no watering is needing to be done, all my gardens are weedless, and the lawns are mowed, so there’s no demands on me. Consequently, I’ll read more today and I may do some yard work that I’ve long wanted to do. I still have a lot of forest fall needing removal from the part of the yard I call the wasteland.

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