Monday, April 3, 2017

Bad Mothers

I saw a movie in which the protagonist has a strained relationship with both parents (for good reasons). When his father is killed in a car accident, there’s a scene of the son delivering an honourable eulogy in spite of his father’s criminal activities.
In the post-eulogy scene we see the mother tell the son that she wants to go home and that she’s going to get her coat. Then we see the son ask a friend to make sure his mother is safely put into a taxi home and the son leaves to pursue his girlfriend. It was an oddly satisfying scene for me to see the mother stiffed at the funeral of her husband because my mother seems to have been an unkind person.
Think about villains. Go ahead … make a list in your head. There are lots of them — in politics, in warfare, in the church and education, in commerce, etcetera.
All of your villains are men aren’t they?
Few women are vilified. There’s the evil stepmother, there’s Lucrezia Borgia, Eve and Lady Macbeth but its hard to think of women to put on the list isn’t it?
In the movie I saw with the vile mother, it felt oddly good to see the mother, not as a villain, she is far, far from that. But she is not a nice person and it felt good to see that kind of woman on TV.
Please lord: Send me my flocking or my doilies this week — I’d really love my doilies — or the Boca decision this week — at least one of them; pretty please.
Sunday was a lovely day for errands. I loved casually doing them, feeling too warm for a coat and in the evening giving lots of attention to aging Leon and working on my marble dress while watching the season closer of Wallander. It’s still remarkable to me that one errand was going to a marijuana store.
Our first Wholesters event is this Wednesday. This is Dianne and my initiative to get out once a month for an adventure with a bunch of other (compatible) seniors. Seven of us are going to the Museum of Anthropology and then having lunch at a campus restaurant — and we’re going there and back on the bus. I’m excited about it.

Chocolate blossoms; pods

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