Saturday, April 15, 2017

Vaisakhi Festival Day

The shots of paper shoes above are from the Emily Carr Foundation Show that I attended with Julien on Thursday night. I was gob smacked by a couple of pieces that weren’t credited with the artist’s name! Shame on you Foundation faculty!
The USA bans Muslims and bombs Afghanistan and Syria. Meanwhile in Canada, Malala Yousafzai gets honorary Canadian citizenship (and she honours our refugee policies in her speech to parliament) and we introduce legislation to legalize recreational use of marijuana — perhaps the first nation to legalize weed.
Ecstasy is an undisturbed day of dressmaking. I’ll finish dress number nine in the next few days. Of course … I have to go back for more marbles this morning! Soon I’ll face the remaining two challenges with this dress: Flocking the skirt and adding the logo. But then one of my best dresses will be done.
Remember when debutantes, at the age of consent, were formally introduced to society at huge fancy public balls? Well my ladies need such a “coming out.” But when they are, I’m pretty certain that they’ll be presented as my work: I’m keen to hire an actor to play Charlotte Mercer to speak at the opening about “her “work.  
Today’s plan is more dress work and in the afternoon to go to the Vaisakhi Festival (Punjabi New Year) for some free Indian food and to have fun with Cathy.

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