Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cool Summer

I’m happy with this semi-summer we’re having. It’s been much cooler and much  more damp this year than last when we had four hot months without rain. I’m watering much less frequently this summer; the water doesn’t evaporate right away and the plants grow at full speed.  
On Saturday I competed the Fern Garden! Yay! I also planted two gorgeous light pink Hydrangeas; I did only little tasks in order to let my back heal. And it’s working! I can cough without seeing Jesus and needing to lie down to recover. It’s still brutally painful, but I’m getting more relief when I’m not using my back muscles.
Fruit Flies are teeming out of my new Hummingbird feeder. The wee flies provide the birds with valuable protein. I’ve a full service Hummingbird feeding station now.
Today I went on the big community dog walk and could barely speak to my friends. It’s a rather warm day. I may do some transplanting, I may not; I enjoy these lazy days of light duties as I heal. 
I’ve been asked to sit on a provincial health steering committee. I’ve offered to accept but pointed out all the costs and said I’d understand if they preferred to invite someone from Vancouver. But if they still want me, I’ll get a couple of free trips to Vancouver to go to the meetings and hopefully get some time there to visit friends.
I’m seeing some red Strawberries—little ones. And I see blossoms on my rather small Raspberry canes. Things may be rooting this year and be more fruitful next year. I’ve been too busy landscaping to fertilize them and be vigilant about watering.
Great news! Chris and Frani are coming to stay tomorrow for a couple of nights.

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