Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Done! Finished! Over!

PhotoClick on the image to enlarge it, but if you do, you lose the caption. 
The red arrow is pointing to a large section of tilled land that you can't see. 
The green area, back/upper left is where I'm thinking of putting a wet garden.

Holy crap, I finished it! It’s totally done! A quarter acre of crap land, tamed!  I’m totally chuffed. 
From May 30thto Jul   y 23rd, almost two months, I worked every non-rainy day for usually five hours to get it all done. I’m terribly proud of myself. However, instead of awards, I have chronic back and wrist pain and far less fat on my body. 
Even with only smooth dirt plain bordered by individual plants and small gardens, my backyard is inviting. There is no dog poo at all. That’s a huge change. It looks clean and sleek; it looks cared for and welcoming. Before, people would walk to the edge of the courtyard, say nothing and then turn around. Now, there’s a path that invites you in to look around and see the Garden of Stolen Stones.
I’ll do a little more transplanting to make the new garden that borders the deck look a little more lush. Then I’ve the incinerator area to do. But to celebrate completion, Sheba and I are off to Drumbeg. Woo hoo.

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