Friday, March 8, 2019

Paula leaves; Dwight arrives.

Paula slept in yesterday. When she woke, she (eventually) made us breakfast and then together we finished vegetable bed #4. The vegetable garden beds are built!
After that, we went to the community hall to check out the location of our party. It’s a fabulous space. It has a stage for our DJ or band, a kitchen from which we can run our bar and concession and a fabulous wall whereon we can mount our Handmade Selfie  show—and we can string white lights above the portraits.
After that we had a wonderful long soak in the spa and then we chilled for the evening, watching movies, chatting and snacking.
She leaves this morning at eleven and Dwight arrives at two. Although it’s snowing this morning, the weather is predicted to be fine for the weekend he’s here.
Yes, it’s snowing! In March! It’s even sticking again but it’s supposed to change to rain. I’m hopeful that Environment Canada is correct in its prediction for milder temperatures starting this afternoon. They say the below zero overnight temperatures are over.
I’ve enjoyed Paula’s visit and next is Dwight’s. He arrives at 2:00. In the meantime, I am cleaning again, baking and doing laundry in advance of his arrival. 

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